Trademark Registration Process Online in Bangalore

Trademark Registration Process Online in Bangalore

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Trademarks are visual symbols such as names, logos, labels, numerals, colours, shapes or combinations of these used by a business to distinguish its goods or services from those of others. Trademark registration process online in Bangalore can help a business to get legal recognition for its brand identity and protect its goodwill in the market. This article will discuss the trademark application process and other important things to consider while filing a trademark application in India.

There are several benefits of getting a trademark registered, starting with the exclusivity it provides to the owner of the mark. It also prevents other entities from using the same mark without permission and makes it easy to identify the source of the product or service. The Indian Trademark Act also provides remedies and protection to the owners of a registered trademark in case of infringement by third parties. can assist you with the process of applying for a trademark in India. We start by conducting a search of the trademark registry to ensure that your mark is unique and not already in use. Then we draft an application based on the results of the search. This process takes about 18 months and during this time you can use the (tm) symbol on your products or services.

The application is filed with the Registrar of Trademarks and once it has been approved you will receive a registration certificate that must be renewed every 10 years. The process of registering a trademark is not complicated but it does require the assistance of a professional.




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