10 Common Mistakes to Avoid While Filing GST Returns in India
10 Common Mistakes to Avoid While Filing GST Returns in India
GST is a major tax reform that has replaced multiple levies such as service tax, excise duty, and VAT. It's essential to file accurate GST returns to maintain compliance with tax regulations and avoid penalties.
Despite its benefits, filing GST returns can be daunting and confusing for taxpayers due to its complex rules and guidelines. Filing errors may lead to significant penalties and late fees. In this article, we'll discuss 10 Common mistakes to avoid while filing GST Returns in India.
Disclosing Items under the Wrong GST Heads
It's common for taxpayers to register their tax liabilities and input tax credit under the wrong GST heads. This mistake can be costly for your business both legally and internally. For example, if you accidentally disclose goods and services under the CGST head instead of the IGST head, you will be required to pay tax on your imported supplies even though it's not your liability.
Failing to Update GSTIN Details
Keeping up with the latest changes in GST laws is crucial for businesses of all sizes. However, it's not uncommon for firms to make mistakes while updating their GSTIN details or submitting their returns. Incorrect GSTIN details can result in penalties from the government and inaccurate tax calculations. Fortunately, there are many solutions out there that can help you keep up with the changing GST laws. Volopay, for instance, makes it super easy for companies to reconcile statements, maintain books, and stay on top of their financial records.
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