Consultants for Trademark Registration in India
Consultants for Trademark Registration in India Trademark is a distinctive sign, mark or symbol used to identify the goods/services of a particular company. A registered trademark is protected by the intellectual property laws and a holder can sue any person who uses it without authorization. If you have not yet registered your trademark, it's time to do so. This will save you a lot of trouble, heartburn and money in the long run. The best way to protect your brand and logo is to register it today with the help of our expert Consultants for Trademark Registration in India. Getting a trademark is important for any business. It helps protect your brand from competitors who try to tamper with your reputation, goodwill, and business image by selling their products under your name. Moreover, it also allows you to file for global trademarks. This makes your brand more recognizable to customers, which ultimately leads to more sales. There are 45 separate classe...